Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pinhole no. 1

Not Quite Zeiss.
I made a pinhole in a bit of metal cut from a can of coke, stuck it on a body cap and had daughter #1 hold still for 15 seconds. What did this prove?

1. It's hard to get a small pinhole. I used a pin, but I should have used a needle. A smaller hole would have produced a sharper image.

2. Any dirt on the CCD shows up after a 30 second exposure. I had to clean up at least 20 spots in lightroom.

3. The irregular bokeh (especially visible in the white background) means that my hole must be irregular.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Helios 44M gets a repreive

I've never been thrilled with my Helios 44M. Focus isn't smooth, the body creaks... not a patch on my Takumars and Rokkors. I have two copies, one with a 6 blade aperture and one with a 10 blade aperture. I've been considering selling them on eBay.

Then I take a picture like this.

Morning shade, 58mm at F/4, 10 blade version.

Nice Sharpness (note the 10 blade diffraction in the reflection)...Nice Bokeh...

I guess I won't be getting rid of it too soon.