Sunday, November 28, 2010

Trying out a few lens with the Nex adapters...

Minolta 55mm f/1.7 Rokkor
Pentax-M 50mm f/2 "Focal" 135mm f/11 minolta mount)

Takumar 55mm f/2

Nex IR - first light

I tried out the IR capability of the Nex using a 760 IR filter, and was very pleased with the first result. The weather is poor for IR outside - windy and cloudy! Even so, I am happy with the results taken at ISO 1600.
Interesting thing to note: Focus in all my photos was out... I forgot that IR has a different focus point than visible light. The lens I'm using (Super Takumar 55mm f/1.4) has an IR focus mark - I must remember to make that adjustment next time!

(composite photo Nex-5, Super Takumar 55mm f/1.4 2sec, ISO 1600)


Using the IR focus mark, I reshot the same scene... Plus a bit of PP

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mirrorless SLR

I've been thinking about getting a mirrorless SLR for a long time now. Options I've considered are Olympus and Panasonic M4/3 mount and Sony e-mount.

I've liked the look the a pana GF1, but the idea of putting up with 2Xcrop factor really bothered me. So, when I saw a refurb Nex-5 at a good price, I bought it. 5 minutes later I had ordered adapters for Minolta MD mount, Pentax PK, M42, DKL, and C-mount lenses.
Finally, all my manual lens could be used!
Here is the Nex with a Voigtlander Color-Skopar X (Retina mount). I really like this combo.Here are some of my first pics from the Nex+Skopar. I need to learn how to use the lens - very different from my M42's - a few outside shots...And a few from inside...
I attached the M42 bellows and am very pelased with the result. This photo has roses in the background...There was a bit of PP to get this photo looking nice...I'm really excited by the camera. I have applied the v3 firmware pack and although it is small, it seems very capable.