Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thistle seed

A thistle seed went floating by today - not wanting to miss an opportunity to use my Accura "close up" lens set, I grabbed it and brought it inside. This is the image through my Takumar 55mm f1.8.

It looks OK, but the 100% crop shows is so-so. The biggest problem is that the minimum focusing distance on the Tak is 0.45 metres...

I have three of these close up lens, labelled +1, +2, +3. I got them off eBay for $9. They came in an ancient leather zipping pouch. (I think that build quality of everything went downhill after 1964.) After screwing on the Accura +1, this is the result. Much better - but can it be improved?

This is the 100% crop from a picture using the +3 lens. The detail is much better than I could get with the Tak by itself. I'll try a few macro shots when I get the chance.

If you haven't seen a "close up" screw on lens before:

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