Tuesday, September 28, 2010

NTG project pt. 2

It's been windy, so the long exposure shots have been... difficult. This is the only shot I have been happy with lately. Taken at the front gate. 4 seconds with the yashica at f1.9.
Pictures taken at 9:00 pm.

Friday, September 24, 2010

NTG project-first shots...

Yashinon DS-50 taken at f1.9
10 seconds on a still night, lens wide open
8:30 pm
+ a healthy bit of Lightroom
Crazy swirling Bokeh - more luck +breeze thananything else...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Night time garden project

The next project I am undertaking is the "Night time garden".

The photos will all follow these rules:

All photos to be taken in my front garden
Photos can be taken at only at night
The only the illumination allowed is the porchlight
Flashlights cannot be used to assist focus, or find pictures
Only Manual Focus photographs are allowed
Post processing is allowed

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Manual Focus Airedale

Here is Spencer, normally shy, looking at the camera, very unusual for him!

Dim conditions in the hall, but you wouldn't know it from the image. I like the reflections in the wood.

Taken with a Sony a550 and Manual Focus Yashinon-DS 50mm f/1.9 1/30s

Spring Flowers

Lots of rain lately, and I'm seeing flowers where I haven't before, or maybe it's just that I'm looking...
Inpired by a post on petapixel.com, I decided to try my hand at adding vignettes and a creating a cross processed effect.
When I took the shot, I thought the image was too out of focus, so I took another 15 shots and back at home I decided I didnt like anyof them but the first.
I need to rethink this whole "perfect focus" thing. I think sometimes I get too hung up on the pixels and the bokeh and forget about the picture.
I'm pretty pleased with the post processing here - Lightroom can really do a lot.
The gory details: Sony a550 Tamron 24-135 @135mm f/5.6 1/125s