Sunday, September 12, 2010

Spring Flowers

Lots of rain lately, and I'm seeing flowers where I haven't before, or maybe it's just that I'm looking...
Inpired by a post on, I decided to try my hand at adding vignettes and a creating a cross processed effect.
When I took the shot, I thought the image was too out of focus, so I took another 15 shots and back at home I decided I didnt like anyof them but the first.
I need to rethink this whole "perfect focus" thing. I think sometimes I get too hung up on the pixels and the bokeh and forget about the picture.
I'm pretty pleased with the post processing here - Lightroom can really do a lot.
The gory details: Sony a550 Tamron 24-135 @135mm f/5.6 1/125s

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