Monday, January 17, 2011

A few more Pics from the Leica Elmar 90mm f4

I've been trying lots of lenses over the last few weeks and have ended up with an extra elmar 90mm F4. I keep coming back to this lens - it has a very nice feel to it,focusing is easy and very sharp!
My "new" lense is a really old one - from 1933! It's an uncoated lens, so it's a bit different to use that a modern (coated) lens. See the final picture - the lack of coating causes a major flare and loss of contrast if sunlight hits the lens directly, so hood is a must if shooting towards the sun!

Roses, straight out of camera...

foreground, background focus - again straight out of camera...

a quick bit of "auto" from light room...

Nice sharp details (again straight out of camera)...

Oops - lens flare - low contrast is the result.

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