Sunday, October 17, 2010

FCP pt. 6 - The "raw" images

I thought it might be interesting to show some of the "before" processing images that come from the Kalostigmat lens setup, and mention some of the major post processing actions I . These images are all posted as finals in previous FCP posts.

(From FCP pt. 3)
The light here is from the side of the camera, so the lens does not fog up too badly. However, this is an unacceptably hazy image, so I coverted to B&W to remove the yellow cloud. I also applied "black levels" to remove some of the distracting background, and increased the contrast in the centre of the flower.

(From FCP pt. 4)
The first thing you notice is the haze in this photo. This is a real problem with the Kalostigmat setup caused, I think, by the poor condition of the lens and exacerbated by the sunlight directly behind the lens. To cure this I auto level the image, increase clarity, boost contrast and boost black levels. In this case, the goal was to recreate the look of an old B&W photo, so all of the actions were performed in B&W - I'm sure this picture would be a real mess in colour. I also heavily cropped the photo.

(from FCP pt. 5)
Again, abit of haze in the photo, but not too bad. The clarity, contrast, and black levels boost were all applied.

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