Saturday, October 2, 2010

NTG project pt. 3

Different lens tonight.
On a whim I atttached the Sun 135 f/2.8. I was surprised how the lens gave me a different view to the project. All of these shots were 10-20 seconds depending on location and given plenty of boost in Lightroom 3. Lucky for me there was not too much of a breeze. All shots taken long after sunset, about 10:30 pm.
The colour seperation of the rose and the sky is not as high as I would have liked, but I think the processing has enhanced the "3D" effect.
Interesting to see the white balance correction has caused the dark green fence post to be blue.
There is an orange sodium capour light near by.

I'm not sure where the red and blue backgroup came from.

Nice shadow on the underside of the wheelbarrow. The angle is only possible due to the streetlight.

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