Friday, October 8, 2010

Folding Camera Project Begins

The Goal of the Folding Camera Project is to modify an older style folding camera to attach my SLR - marry the old and the new. This will be technically feasable because the focus registration of the folding camera is quite long, and fairly adjustable due to the bellows.
To start off the project I bought a Goerz Folding Camera off eBay. I was originally hoping for an older style wooden camera, but the pricing for these cameras, even in poor condition was too high. So I have opted for the smaller (and cheaper) metal folding cameras that were mass produced in the early 1900's.

My camera features a Kalostigmat f/6.8 lens, and the bellows are light proof. The aperture is stuck fully open, and the lens is dirty and lightly crazed. Still - it's all I need to get started. As soon as I got home I opened the camera to have a look inside.

I've decided that any future work on this camera will not be destructive. I will some how mount the DSLR to the back of the film box.
To get a initial look, I took the lens off my a550 and shoved it inside the Goerz and see if this seems like it might work...

This is my first image:- Goerz Kalostigmat 100mm f/6.8, 1.6s - handheld lens.
After converting to BW, adjusting contrast and clarity, then some final cropping in Lightroom 3:

Not too bad, but I better be able to get some better focus.

After an hour with a peice of cardboard, an m42 extension tube and a dozen rubber bands, quality was improved alot...

Here is a 100% crop... not too bad at all.

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