Monday, October 18, 2010

FCP pt. 7 State of the project

This is the current "look" of the FCP. The lens has been upgraded a few times since starting the FCP (see pt2). In this state, I have mounted the Goerz lens to an old Asahi M42 bellows mount. The Asahi bellows are just narrow enough to let me focus beyond infinity. Minimum focus distance (with the bellows fully extended) is approximately 20cm. (photo taken on iPhone 3GS)

I have mentioned that I have a persistant cloudiness to my photos. I have felt this was due to the poor quality of the lens surfaces. In frustration tonight I dismanteded the lens and gave the components some tough love and polished the surfaces by rubbing with my fingers. I was very happy to see that after some effort, the lens began to clear a bit. I have taken some indoor shots and so far there looks to be a big improvement.

Goerz Kalostigmat at 0.4s f/6.8.

Nice centre sharpness, see this 100% crop. I will try in the sunlight tomorrow morning.

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